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Insurgents kill 29 students in Yobe

Africtv  - Mail News... Reports
  • The authority of the Federal Government College, Buni-Yadi, in Yobe, on Tuesday confirmed that 29 of its students were killed by insurgents who attacked the institution on Monday.
  • Abdul said that 11 students also sustained various gunshot wounds.
Mr Ibrahim Abdul, a Senior Master, gave the figure while receiving Gov. Ibrahim Gaidam during a sympathy visit to the school.

He said that all the hostels and classrooms were burnt by the insurgents who attacked the college at about 23:30.

The attackers, who were said to have arrived at the college in several vehicles, also burnt down 40 houses.

The governor described the attack as inhuman and unfortunate.

Gaidam called on security operatives to evolve more proactive and intelligence approach to curb the menace of the insurgents.

He announced a donation of N100 million to assist the victims.

NAN reports that the college was the fourth educational institution attacked in the state in the last eight months.

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