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Tinubu commends Tambuwal for suspending presidential bid

All Progressives Congress, APC national leader, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu has commended Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aminu Tambuwal over his withdrawal from the presidential race of the party,
saying his action is a lesson to all on the true meaning of patriotism.

tinubu-tambuwalTinubu, who described Tambuwal’s withdrawal from the contest as a sacrifice that would not be in vain, said the speaker’s entry into the party has reasonably boosted the party and its potentials.

Tambuwal had on Tuesday suspended his participation in the APC presidential primary upon what he claimed as counsel from party elders and in the overall interest of the party.

Commending his gesture yesterday, Tinubu said: “This sacrifice you have made will not be in vain. It must be noted by all democrats across the country as an act of great patriotism. We all appreciate the position you have taken and the sacrifice you have made.

”You have demonstrated the true spirit of democracy. You have indeed shown the way to all other party members on the kind of sacrifice expected of them. You are a good example to the young and old and the leading lights of our party.”

“You secured the wish of a virile section of our party, especially your colleagues, Honourable Members who meant well in their desire to have you vie for the highest office of the land. And excited by your politics and candidature, most Nigerians looked in your direction hopeful in the prospects of your candidacy and a New Nigeria.”

“But rather than pursue a selfish ambition, you humbly submitted yourself to the service of the common good. Whatever anyone may say, you have made history.”

“Your sacrifice for the cohesion of the party and a greater Nigeria will go down in history as one of the greatest pragmatic and progressive political sacrifices ever made in the politics of our country.”

“You have demonstrated that your   political convenience will never triumph over patriotic conviction. You no doubt joined the APC not to advance any personal ambition. Your decision in this delicate moment gave no space for emotion to intrude into the path of objectivity and blind you and many of us from what is best. The APC is the best vehicle to enact the progressive and broad change this nation cries for. I salute you for eagerly lending yourself to this fine cause. You will never walk alone.”

“Though many, including myself, may call what you have done a sacrifice, I wish to again call it otherwise. It is a patriotic contribution and duty. With a happy and uplifted heart and clear conscience, you have by this decision committed yourself to seeking the best for this nation before seeking what is good for yourself. This is the creed of statesmanship. May this be the creed of our party!”

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