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2015: Atiku Reveals Two Things Nigerians Should Avoid

Nigeria’s former Vice President, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, has cautioned Nigerians against two things he identified could affect their choice of candidate in the 2015 general elections, and reiterated the need for its avoidance.

Atiku, who is a presidential aspirant on the platform of the All Progressives Congress, APC, urged Nigerians to shun religious and tribal sentiments, National Mirror reports.

He made the revelation while speaking to a huge crowd of party supporters in continuation of his campaign tour in the South East geopolitical zone of the country.

The former vice president advised that Nigerians should instead look for a credible candidate who has the capacity, vision and the charisma before casting their votes in the forthcoming presidential elections.

The presidential aspirant, who also revealed that the APC has shelved the idea of consensus candidate, warned that anything short of religious and tribal sentiments would take the country many years backwards and further under-developed the nation.

Atiku while taking a swipe at the Peoples Democratic Party-led government under President Goodluck Jonathan described the President’s transformation agenda as gimmick and a ruse fashioned to deceive the masses. He posited that it was only APC governed states like Imo, that there are real transformation happening.

While recalling his relationship with the South East, especially Imo people, Atiku promised them that his presidential ambition and that of Governor Rochas Okorocha would not generate bad blood between them.

“Governor Okorocha is my brother who is also aspiring along with me to rule this country next year, therefore any vote for me is a vote for Okorocha and any vote for Okorocha is also a vote for me,” Atiku said.

The former president further assured that the APC believes in all democratic processes and therefore will not adopt presidential candidate for the forthcoming presidential election, and urged the people of the state to vote for all APC candidates in the 2015 general elections.

Also speaking at the event, Dr. Hilary Ekeh, the state chairman of APC, stressed the relationship between the former vice president and Governor Okorocha, and also assured that the people of the state had since endorsed the party courtesy of Governor Okorocha’s dividend of democracy to the people of the state.

Atiku, however, made a donation of N5 million to the state’s APC, N1 million to the Elders’ Council and another N50, 000 each for all party delegates in the state. He assured that by the time APC starts controlling the Federal Government, it would make sure the implementation and sustenance of qualitative free education, infrastructural development as well as good health care delivery system as the crux of its administration.

It would be recalled that the former Vice President Alhaji Atiku Abubakar recently accused the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, of using security operatives against members of the All Progressive Congress, APC, because it cannot match the strength of the opposition.

Meanwhile, Atiku had on November 25, 2014, stated that he is not desperate to rule Nigeria but considers politics a good way of showing commitment through service.

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