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Looking for Jobs... Veritas Plastics & Packaging Company Ltd is Accepting CVs...

Vacancies - Veritas Plastics & Packaging Company Limited

We are interested in assembling a team of dynamic, proactive and vibrant professional to pilot the organization.

The ideal candidate must have minimum of 5 years' experience as an Accountant in the Plastics (PVC Pipe, PVC Ceiling, Household Plastics & Bottle Preforms) industry or relevant industry.

The candidates must have a first degree or equivalent in accounting professional qualification (ACA or ACCA) is an added advantage.

The ideal candidates must have minimum of 5 years' experience as an auditor in the plastic (PVC Pipe, PVC Ceiling, Household Plastic & Bottle Preforms) industry or relevant industry.
The candidate must have a first degree or equivalent in accounting, professional qualification (ACA or ACCA) is an added advantage.

The vacancies for the Marketing Executive are in the following categories:
Marketing Executive: PVC Ceiling
Marketing Executive: PVC Pipes
Marketing Executive: Household Plastics & Bottle Performs
Marketing: Flexible Package
Marketing Executive: Industrial Cartons Packaging

The candidates must have minimum of 10 years previous experience in the marketing and sales of all arang of plastic products and industrial cartons when applicable.
The candidate will be responsible for driving sales & marketing.
The candidate Must have a first degree or equivalent in Marketing or Business Administration.

Logistics/Store Manager:
The candidate must have minimum of 10 years previous experience in logistics operation in the food manufacturing industry.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control Manager.
The ideal candidate must have a minimum of 5 years previous experience in Quality assurance/control of PVC Ceiling, Pipe, Household Plastics, Bottle Preform Flexible Packaging, & Carton Packaging.
The candidate must have first degree or equivalent in industrial chemistry or chemical engineering or any other-related field.

Adkan Service Nigeria Limited requires the services of vibrant young Lang Surveyor with a minimum qualification of B.Sc or its equivalent in Land Surveying, 8 years of requisite experience and must be able to effectively operate differential GPRS.

To Apply:
Interested candidates for No 1-5 should send their CVs via email to: recruitment1973@yahoo.com or P.M.B 603, Garki Abuja, not later than 2 weeks of this publication.

Candidates for No 6 should apply in person with their CV to:
The Admin Manager, Adkan Services Nig. Ltd, 6/8 Juba Street SunCity Estate, Abuja.

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