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David de Gea '80 per cent' ready to face Arsenal for Manchester United after finger injury away with Spain

Manchester United goalkeeper David De Gea is set to hand manager Louis van Gaal an almighty boost by declaring himself fit for Saturday evening’s visit to Arsenal.

De Gea dislocated his little finger during a Spain training session last week but the injury is understood to have improved to such an extent that he now believes he has a high chance of starting at the Emirates Stadium.

Sources close to the Spanish team told Sportsmail on Tuesday evening that the United No 1 has ‘an 80 per cent’ chance of making the starting line-up when his club return to Barclays Premier League action this weekend.

De Gea will be assessed by United’s medical staff and goalkeeping coach Frans Hoek upon his return to Carrington and providing the swelling continues to go down, he should be passed fit.

It is telling that De Gea has been allowed to remain with Spain despite suffering the injury. He was also named on the bench for the 3-0 victory over Belarus on Saturday and the clash against Germany in Vigo on Tuesday night.

He has started every United game this season and has often been the stand-out performer during the opening months of Van Gaal’s reign.

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