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I can fix Nigeria if elected - Okorocha

Governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo State and All Progressives Congress, APC, presidential aspirant, yesterday, in Asaba, Delta State, said he could fix Nigeria if given the mandate.

He added that the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, if given another 100 years, would not perform.

Chief Rochas Okorocha was in Asaba to woo APC delegates ahead of the party’s primaries.

He urged APC faithful to put aside ethnic and religious sentiment in electing the presidential flag bearer of the party in the 2015.

Okorocha said: “I want to be president because I am convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that I can fix Nigeria.   I am not in this race for primitive accumulation of wealth, but for service.   Even if PDP, is given another 100 years, PDP will not perform, because they will remain what they are; so I depend on you and your vote to effect the needed change for a better Nigeria of our dream.”

Insisting that he was the most qualified for the job, Okorocha reiterated that “among all the presidential aspirants in the APC and President Goodluck Jonathan of the PDP, I possess better performance credential.”

Okorocha said his performance as the governor of Imo State placed him far ahead of other aspirants. He said: “Many people will say that it is not yet the time for Rochas Okorocha to be president of Nigeria. There is need for Rochas to be president.”

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