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APC’s attack on Jonathan must stop – PDP

The Peoples Democratic Party said on Tuesday that it would no longer condone what it described as the deliberate, unwarranted and sustained vicious attacks on the person and office of President Goodluck Jonathan by the opposition, the All Progressives Congress.

The PDP National Publicity Secretary, Chief Olisa Metuh, who stated this in a statement on behalf of the party, insisted that the opposition must end the attack.

If the opposition refuses to heed his call, Metuh said the PDP would no longer fold its hands. He said the desperate desire of the APC for power unchains undisciplined impulses and actions, which was posing a threat to the very survival of democracy and the nation.

He said his party had been watching carefully as members of the APC, including its national officers, governors and presidential aspirants continued to castigate the president for no just cause.

He said, “The PDP has been watching carefully as the rank and file of the APC, the governors, party leaders, presidential hopefuls and even sidekicks run amok, competing in a heavily subjective castigation of President Goodluck Jonathan with incendiary utterances, signposting its plans for the dastardly when it loses in next year’s general elections.

“However, patriotism, the cardinal value of our great party, indeed, the price of our custodianship of the mandate of over 160 million Nigerians calls for vigilance, maturity and responsibility, hence our restraints in the face of the naked lies and recklessness of the APC.

“We had thought that the silver hair of its top leaders would caution the thoughtless delinquency of its youngsters. Unfortunately, the recklessness of the old is in competition with the imprudence of the young. What a shame the APC has turned!”

He called on the opposition to learn from its (PDP) political campaigns, which he said were issue-based, just as he advised the APC on the need to maintain political decorum and primacy of national interest in the build-up to the forthcoming elections.

Metuh however regretted that the APC had refused to shed its penchant for lies, deceit, propaganda, violence and blackmail as the centre piece of their agenda and message to Nigerians.

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