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Vacancy - Digital Librarian Needed

Employer: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

Our Client:
IITA is an international non-profitagricuiturai research-for-development (R4D) organization established in 1967, governed by a Board of Trustees and a member of the CGIAR Consortium, Our R4D approach is anchored on the development needs of tropical nations.
Please visit http://www.iita.org for more information on IITA.

International Insitute of Tropical Agriculture, seeks suitable candidates for the positions below at the Institute's Headquarters in Ibadan.

Duties & Responsibilities:

closely with researchers to advice on policies, standards and workflows for acquisition, description, and preservation of digital collections inciuding text, images. audio, video and research data.
Participating in the design and development of services to support preservation of and access to digitized and born-digital content.
Developing architecture for managing and integrating heterogeneous metadata to facilitate interoperable discovery across systems.

Assessing the requirements for the new data sets to add to digital repositories, identifying and assessing potential data sources and working with data owners to add data incrementally to digital repositories.
Working with domain experts to understand the structure and relationships of data setsand design a representative ontology.
Develop a comprehensive taxonomy for organizing information resources based on research and business goals and requirements from stakeholders.


Masters degree in library/information science from an accredited institution.
Five years of academic or research library/information experience.
Experience with information repositories, digital preservation, indexing systems, taxonomy, metadata, and data curation, and developing standards.
Understanding of collaborative online tools is required
Candidate must have excellent oral and written communication skills: display maturity and interpersonal skills, be patient and have high stress tolerance.
Proficiency in the use of computers and quick at analyzir1g issues

We offer highly competitive salary with equally attractive fringe benefits and excellent working conditions in a pleasant campus environment.

Method Of Application:
Interested applicants should forward their applications with detailed curriculum vitae saved with their names in Microsoft word format to IITA website: http//www.iita.org/careers The application must include the names and e-mail addresses of three professional referees which must include either the Head of applicant's current or previous organization or applicant's direct Supervisor/Superior officer at work and evidence of current remuneration package.
This application closes two weeks from the date of publication.

Due Date: 19 December, 2013

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