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BREAKING: Boko haram leaders sends strong warning to Buhari & Borno Govt

BREAKING: Boko haram leaders sends strong warning to Buhari & Borno Govt

According to Naija News reports, Abubakar Shekau, The dreaded Leader of the terrrosit group, Boko Haram, has rejected an offer of peace from Governor Babagana Zulum of Borno State.

the Governor Zulum had urged the terrorist group to embrace peace and return to normal life.

Boko Haram insurgency had clocked 10 years in July 2019, with the conflict claiming the lives of some 27,000 civilians and devastating entire communities, villages and towns across the three most-affected states – Adamawa, Yobe and Borno.

Reacting to the offer of peace, a journalist Ahmad Salkida, said Boko Haram leader warned that the war had just began.

He said Abubakar Shekau in a recorded audio in Kanuri and Hausa declined the governor’s olive branch.

“In a calm tone, uncharacteristic of Shekau, he said the war was just starting. He vowed that his group was not ready to give up arms, chiding the governor for ‘misinterpreting’ a verse.

“According to Shekau: His members that want to leave, “know that is about Allah, it is not about any human being.”

“Informed analysts consider the exchange a good sign and have urged the governor not to relent in engaging the insurgents at all necessary levels,” he wrote on Twitter.


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