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Breaking! 2 Confirmed Dead As Gunmen Invades Kaduna South

Breaking! 2 Confirmed Dead As Gunmen Invades Kaduna South

According to Reports, Some Suspected gunmen has recently Attack the community on Tuesday night, shooting sporadically, As 2 were shot shot dead at Matsirga village, Madakiya in Zangon Kataf Local Government Area of Kaduna State.

The 2 were identified as 37-year-old Mr Ishaku Musa and Mrs Laraba Alaska and they have been allegedly shot dead by unknown gunmen

The source claimed that the sporadic shooting by the unknown gunmen resulted in the death of Ishaku Musa Waziri and Mrs Laraba Alaska, who were hit by bullets during the attack and later died at a hospital.

The source added that two other persons were critically injured as a result of the attack.

He added that the two injured persons are currently in the hospital and are responding to treatment.

Meanwhile, the police in Kaduna are yet to make an official statement on the attack.


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