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Groups shows prove about server

Groups shows prove about server 

He, therefore, decried alleged moves by INEC to deny the availability of the server, stressing that the action is grave, just as it is a looming national disaster.

Countering the electoral umpire's claims, Adamu referred to "INEC's 2017-2021 strategic programme of action  document, page 5, serial number 1.4 and key action, titled 'improve ICT operational deployment and utilization, including activities SN 1.4.1 to SN 1.4.57", saying these series of activities "have captured all the essence of the server deployment by INEC".

He insisted that all of the activities underscored the approval for a server and its subsequent implementation between the first quarter of 2017 and the fourth quarter of 2018.

"Specifically, based on activities SN 1.4.57 in the strategic programme of action 2017-2021, the INEC leadership have received the approval for the transmission of electronic results to the collation centres.

"In the same vein, SN 1.4.16 indicates that INEC has received the approval to procure servers for the 36 states and the FCT in the second quarter of 2017 and completed in the second quarter of 2018.

"For the avoidance of doubt, I wish to tender a copy of the 2017-2021 strategic programme of action document, which dealt with issues of ICT including servers, card readers and the electronic transmission of election results," he claimed.

He called on all Nigerians to join the campaign for INEC to own up and do the needful. "Because we are in a situation similar to the June 12 of Moshood Abiola," he added.

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