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Villagers gives more details Click HERE for MORE

“We buried 15 of them yesterday before I left Monguno,” said Bulama who arrived at Maiduguri on Tuesday from Monguno, 140 km away.

The IS-affiliated faction — Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) — operates a camp near the town of Zulum, 20 km from Monguno, and residents said they believed the attack was launched from there.

On Tuesday two jihadists on a motorcycle opened fire on farmers outside Gremari village killing one, militiaman Umar Ari told AFP.

“The rest of the farmers fled and later returned to pick the dead body of their colleague,” he added.

Boko Haram has stepped up attacks on farmers and loggers in recent years, accusing them of passing information on the group to the military.

Last month the jihadists hacked 12 farmers to death as they worked on their fields in Kalle, a remote village 17 km from Maiduguri.

Despite government insistence Boko Haram are near defeat, the group has recently carried out major attacks on military and civilian targets, killing scores.

More than 27,000 people have died since the start of the insurgency in the remote northeast in 2009 and 1.8 million are still homeless.

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