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PDP victory: Atiku Congratulates Tambuwal and Ortom on re-election

PDP victory: Atiku Congratulates Tambuwal and Ortom on re-election

The presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party and former Vice President of Nigeria, Atiku Abubakar, says the victory of the candidates of the PDP
in both Sokoto and Benue states is an acknowledgement from Nigerians that the PDP is the only truly national party in the country.

Atiku, in his congratulatory message to Governor Aminu Tambuwal of Sokoto State on his re-election, assured the people of the state that they had made the right decision that would see them continue on the path of peace, progress and prosperity.

He also congratulated Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue State over “his very well-deserved re-election.”

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