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Residents flee Lafia over Fulani attack

As anarchy continues to reign in Nasarawa State, with more houses being burnt, people have continue to troop out with their luggage and ward to neighbouring states and Abuja for safety.

It was observed that the Eggon-dominated settlements were deserted over alleged threats by Fulani mercenaries to attack places as Bukan Sidi, Ombi 1 and 11.

Lafia town is gradually turning to a ghost town as the crisis entered its third day. The fear of reprisal attack by Fulani has left the people with no options than to flee.

Vanguard observed that most of the people running away are the ones that had been attacked by mercenaries and are taking refuge in Lafia with their relations.

The busy areas of Bukan Sidi and 16 mangos are being deserted as shops and offices remain shut.

Children, women and some helpless old men and women who cannot even walk, except with help of relations, were stranded along the expressway, waiting for vehicles at stadium junction.

One of the fleeing men, Mr. Akulo Joseph, told Vanguard that they had to run for their lives because the Fulani herdsmen informed them that they were coming to attack Bukan Sidi area where the Eggons are hugely domiciled.

Meanwhile Governor Tanko Al-Makura, through his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Yakubu Lamai, has in a statement, asked people to remain calm and avoid rumour-mongering, saying government was on top of the situation.

He urged people to go about their normal business, as security agents were doing everything to restore peace.

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