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Man Finds God After Being Seriously Electrocuted and run through by a five meter water pipe

A 26-year-old man ‘found God’ after he was electrocuted in the genitals and impaled onto a water pipe in the city of Obera, Argentina.

Juan Ramon Monzon says he is now a fully-fledged believer in God after he was electrocuted in the penis by a high-voltage cable and fell onto a water pipe.

The incident occured when the man was installing the plumbing system, but when he accidnetaly lent over the electricity supply, it burnt a hole right through his clothing and left him with severe burns on his genitals.

He had been thrown backwards, and out through an open doorway leading onto a balcony that had not yet been completed where he fell onto a five meter water pipe. Mozon’s colleagues immediately rushed him to hospital with the pipe still run through his body.

After being examined it was discovered that besides the metal pipe in the plumber’s body he also had severe burns to his private parts, a broken nose and a fractured forehead. What is even more dissapointing is that Juan’s boss had been employing him without any medical insurance.

Juan said that he didn’t know he didn’t have medical insurance or indeed any work insurance, adding that he started to believe in God, “who couldn’t believe in God after experiencing what I have and still be alive?” Medical staff said he Monzon ir recovering and it’s not necessary for him to run up a bill by taking up a hospital bed.

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