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Lawmakers Sign President Jonathan's Impeachment Notice

No fewer than 120 lawmakers have begun a battle to remove President Goodluck Jonathan as they have appended their signatures for his impeachment, immediately the House reconvenes in December.

It was gathered by Afric Tv that those who signed the impeachment register are members of the All Progressives Congress, APC.

They alleged that the invasion of the National Assembly by security operatives who prevented the lawmakers from entering was backed by the Presidency, adding that Jonathan met secretly with on Wednesday night with Senate President David Mark and Deputy Speaker Emeka Ihedioha on the shape of yesterday’s House sitting.

The lawmakers therefore opted to collate signatures for an impeachment notice against the President, on the grounds of executive recklessness, interference and abuse of police.

Reacting to this, Mohammed Zakari, chairman, House Committee on Media and Public Affairs, said: “the notice of impeachment was not on the order paper today but I’m not foreclosing that some other things took place.”

A principal officer of the House said: “With how the police and security agents molested members of the House of Representatives, President Goodluck Jonathan has lost our goodwill. We have resolved to stop this impunity in the land.”

Another House member, who confirmed to have signed the register, said: “This time around, it is going to be battle to the finish. Going by the principle of Separation of Powers, the police and security agents have no business barricading or occupying the National Assembly.

“The Executive arm is misusing the police and security agencies. We will no longer tolerate this.”

Speaking on the matter, the deputy House Leader, Leo Ogor, argued that the notice of impeachment is inconsequential, as the President had no hand in what transpired at the National Assembly.

“The President is unaware so bringing it (impeachment) up is going to be defeated. The President has done no wrong, impeachment should not even be part of the issue,” he said.

He therefore urged members to jettison such plans.

Similar agitation by aggrieved lawmakers to move for impeachment of Emeka Ihedioha, deputy Speaker during the brief closed door session, was however averted by the Speaker who called for calmness.

The House requires signatures of one-third of the members of the National Assembly to serve impeachment notice on the President.

Recall that the House of Representatives members were told to hold plenary  session on November 19, 2014, to discuss the controversial issue of emergency rule extension in Nigeria’s three troubled states of Adamawa, Yobe and Borno.

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