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Arsenal told they can have Cech for £7m but they face fight with Liverpool and Real Madrid for axed Chelsea keeper

Arsenal remain favourites to sign Petr Cech from Chelsea should they pay the £7million asking price.

AC Milan, Roma and Real Madrid have all shown an interest while his agent maintains Liverpool are also in the frame.

Cech, 32, who starred for the Czech Republic last week, wants to play regularly after being displaced by Thibaut Courtois as Chelsea's No 1.

However, speaking at Chelsea's press conference on Friday, ahead of this weekend's Premier League clash at home to West Brom; Blues boss Jose Mourinho revealed he hasn't received any offers for Cech.

'On my desk, normally from my board's desk the information arrives, I have zero. Zero proposals. At this moment, Petr Cech is our goalkeeper and has a contract for two more years,' Mourinho said.

'He's a fantastic professional and puts the team's interests first. Not once has Petr Cech knocked on my door to inform me of his desire to accept some proposal. This is my truth. Nothing more I can say.'

Cech's agent Viktor Kolar last month said: 'He [Cech] wants to be at a club that regularly plays in the Champions League and this is his highest aspiration. He wants to return to being a protagonist in a great squad at a great club.'

Milan have already taken Michael Essien, Fernando Torres and Marco van Ginkel from Chelsea, albeit the latter two on loan, but signed Diego Lopez from Real Madrid in the summer.

Lopez was a firm favourite of Mourinho's at the Bernabeu and there are rumblings he could be offered as a makeweight in any deal. However, Lopez is eager to remain No 1 himself.

Arsene Wenger has long placed his trust in Wojciech Szczesny, but the Poland keeper has suffered spells of inconsistent form and has been criticised for crucial losses of concentration.

Cech, meanwhile, is a proven winner, boasting a bulging medal haul including three Premier League titles, four FA Cups, the 2012 Champions League and 2013 Europa League following 10 years at the core of Chelsea's team.

Cech's agent Viktor Kolar says a January move for the Chelsea goalkeeper is unlikely unless one of Europe's top sides suffers an injury to their first-choice keeper.

Speaking to the Czech media on Friday, Kolar said a switch is still in the balance.

'In the football world you can never rule out anything definitively, however if you put together the facts with Petr's ambitions of a top-class goalkeeper, you will not be left with too many options,' said Kolar.

'If we add to this the actual little need of these few clubs to search a new goalkeeper in the winter's transfer window, then you will find out that the chance of a transfer in the next weeks or months is not very high.'

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